Message from the Director, Panasonic – Circuit Board Materials Business Unit
To All our North American Customers:
We thank you for your continued confidence and patronage. We have been globally distributing a variety of industrial products typically including Circuit Board Materials, IC encapsulation materials and molding compounds. Our products can establish their own values only when they are processed and integrated into electronic devices and equipment in the production process of customers. For this
reason, we have been developing these products based on the concept of value creation through partnership with customers.
Also, we have been entirely coordinating our development, production and sales activities to timely present valuable proposals to our customers, considering that their electronics businesses are constantly changing. We know that our product development begins with the needs of customers and our concept of customer-centered value creation can be realized based on open discussions with them.
Lastly, we would greatly appreciate your continued advice on and patronage of our products.
Hideshi Makino
Director, Circuit Board Materials Business Unit
Electronic Materials Business Division
Panasonic Corporation